Cafès and restaurants

Kulman Kuppila

Exceptional opening hours

18.4. 10–19 Pitkäperjantai 20.4. 10–19 Pääsiäispäivä

Opening hours Mon-Fri 08-20, Sat 10-20, Sun 10-19
We accept
Pet friendly

Delicious lunch and tasty products from our café in Shopping Centre Mylly (next to Prisma Mylly) – Welcome!

We have daily delicious offers for every possible craving starting from morning porridge to early evening snacks. Not to mention the home cooked lunch with its changing menu. Can eating while shopping be any easier? Or just drop by and enjoy the atmosphere with a cup of freshly ground coffee. Among other things we’re serving fresh coffee with a variety of treats to go with it such as self made donuts and real home-cooked lunch with Finnish flavour to top it all off. Kulman Kuppila is located on the 1st floor of the shopping centre, next to Prisma. Welcome!
Floor map


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